Google Translate for Danish <-> English has an Easter Egg

An “Easter Egg” in the digital world is a quirky, hidden behavior hidden inside an application or a website, which can be brought to life when some secret  key sequence or mouse movement is entered. The clever programmers at Google have created so many of them that a whole WikiPedia page is dedicated to them. I found one in Google Translate. Chosing the English-Danish translation one gets:  swipe a credit card ==> knalde et kreditkort. And even the reverse works too (knalde et kreditkort ==> Swipe a credit card). The problem is that “knalde” has absolutely nothing to do with swiping in Danish. It means something like “smash” and is more generally used as the common description of what people do when they make children…

“Close, but no cigar” in Danish?

The word “Close” is hard to translate without context.
In English it can mean both to shut something down, be near something or someone, or to successfully finish a sales negotiation. Of course this opens up a plethora of pitfalls for the diligent linguist/translator, even in-context:

“Close the deal!” was translated as “Luk handlen!”, which can be understood as “Shut down the business!”. 🙂 It should have been something like “Få Ordren!” or “Luk salget!” (i.e. “Get the Order!”).

“As close as you can” was translated as “luk det så godt som du kan” (“close it as well as possible”). The correct translation would be “så tæt på som muligt”.

“It is close to my heart” ==> “det er mit hjerte nær”. Interestingly when we go “poetic” in Danish we like to reverse the word sequence. Saying “det er nær mit hjerte” would be a geographic description of something located near my heart, with no emotional content.

Close, but no cigar!
And what about “Close, but no cigar!”: what would be a good translation of this Idiom into Danish? Maybe “Lige ved og næsten slår ingen mand af hesten”? (“Close-to and almost does not knock any man off his horse”).
Erik Moldrup has compiled a very impressive list of English-to-Danish idiom translations at: . But “Close, but no cigar” is not amongst them. Ahem… close, but no cigar…  🙂 I will ask him for advice.
There’s also an impressive list of Danish proverbs with explanations (in Danish) at:
and a corresponding one of English proverbs in English:

Rabat is a town in Morocco

The Danish word for “rebate” is “rabat”, which happens to also be the name of the capital of Morocco. So the English sentence “you can get 20% in rebates…” should not be translated as “du kan få op til 20 % i rabat…”, because it can be understood as implying that you must be in the Moroccan town to receive it. A better translation is the omission of “in”:  “du kan få op til 20 % rabat…”.

Vatican bank holiday, Pope’s holiday, Madonna’s “Holiday” and Pope’s holy day. All these holidays…I need a vacation from my vocation…

In English the word “Holiday” can refer both to a vacation one takes personally at some convenient time, as well as a Public Holiday, where banks and shops close, aka. Bank Holiday. A “public holiday” is not the same as a “personal holiday”, but of course they are used interchangeably in everyday English. In Danish we have two different words for those: “ferie” is what I do when I need a vacation and “helligdag” is when the banks close.

So, when things get mixed up we get these funny translations:

Send money as a holiday gift ==> Send penge som en feriegave  [Meaning: Send money as a vacation present. Should be: Send penge some en helligdagsgave, lejlighedsgave]

(Bank) Payment Holidays ==> Betalt Ferie [Meaning: paid vacations! 🙂 Should be: Bankhelligdage]

….And speaking of Holiday and cultural and linguistic adaptations….
These were the US promotional pictures for Madonna’s 1991 single “Holiday”:

 And these were the ones used in UK and France…:
Vive la difference! 🙂

And…Action! (not “Auction!”). To list a list is not possible in Danish.

When the company is PayPal, an eBay company, getting “an action” past the translators can be challenging, as all around us are “auctions” . 🙂
“Please select an action” has a few times become “Please select an auction” in translation.
And speaking of auctions and online selling, the English word “a listing” is very hard to translate. To the English-speaker it clearly stands for an item listed (or, in other words: put up) for sale. In Danish we have a word for the noun “a list” (en liste), but no single word verb for “inserting an item into a list”. We read lists and we publish lists, but when we “list” in Danish, i.e use the verb “at liste”, we sneak up on something or someone on our tippie-toes and are typically up to no good… 🙂